Cones Backup Timer
-- Sunday
Start watch when 1st nose passes thru start. Stop watch when 1st nose passes thru finish. Stop while on course if Judge rings bell; start when rings bell again. Confer with Official Timer.
Cones Course Setup
-- Saturday
Follow directions of course designer in placing cones, boxes, letters, signs and boundries for the cones course.
Cones Floater
-- Sunday
Fill In Positions As Assigned
Cones Hospitality Runner
-- Sunday
Make regular rounds to the Entry Gate, Cones Tents and Warm Up Rings with drinks, ice, snacks, lunches and relief people
Cones Official Timer
-- Sunday
Start watch when 1st nose passes thru start. Stop watch when 1st nose passes thru finish. Stop while on course if Judge rings bell; start when rings bell again. Confer with Backup Timer. Call time to Judge- all numbers on the stop watch.
Cones Out Gate
-- Sunday
Assure entries have gotten packets. Assemble top entries for Awards and direct traffic to and from Awards position.
Cones Ring InGate
-- Sunday
Manage flow in/out of arena, greet entries & give instructions as directed by judge, radio entry entering & leaving.
Cones Scribe
-- Sunday
At Judge's command, record errors. At Judge's command record time. Record penalties and total on sheet. Get Judge to sign sheet at end of class.
Cones Setter
-- Sunday
Set cones width at measurement called out. Raise measuring stick if ball falls off one of your cones. Lower stick when Judge acknowledges. Reset any cones touched or downed when out of sight of horse. At end of event, gather all cones, balls, signs & box elements to mid-ring.
Cones Steward
-- Sunday
Brief volunteers and assign setters to cones. Manage overall flow of cones ring(s) and handle any issues. Call wheel measurements to setters using radio. Verify ring is set, notify faults. Assist the judge as requested
Cones Steward Asst.
-- Sunday
Assist the Cones Steward to manage overall flow of cones ring, verify ring is set, notify faults and handle any issues.
Cones Vet Check Asst.
-- Sunday
Relay Vet's instructions to entry, record Vet comments/decisions on form provided.
Cones Warm Up
-- Sunday
Manage flow to arena, keep entries informed of who they are after & when to go to arena.
Cones Wheel Measurement - Adv
-- Sunday
Measure wheels for Advanced Competitors after Cones; record measurement; immediately report widths that are too narrow, if any, to TC
Dressage Floater
-- Friday
Fill in as assigned by Volunteer Coordinator
Dressage Ring InGate
-- Friday
Manage flow in/out of arena, greet entries & give instructions as directed by judge, radio entry entering & leaving, open & close in-gate.
Dressage Score Runner
-- Friday
Collect scores from Judges; assure sheets are signed before leaving the Judge. assure sheets for each entry stay together; deliver to scorer. Quick roundtrips help everyone. Collect score sheets form Presentation if assigned.
Dressage Scribe
-- Friday
Neatly & clearly record scores and comments from Judge on forms provided. Check completeness & get Judge to sign then give to score runner. Also record on backup sheet provided
Dressage Steward
-- Friday
"Horse Show Dressy" attire is required (like Dressage Judges). Manage overall flow of both dressage rings and handle any issues. Assure volunteers are on station promptly, handle relief. Carry snacks and drinks on your cart. Troubleshoot problems.
Dressage Warm Up
-- Friday
Manage flow to arena, keep entries informed of who they are after & when to go to arena.
Entry Gate
-- Friday
Provide directions and answer questions. Sell Programs if needed.
Entry Gate
-- Saturday
Provide directions and answer questions. Sell Programs if needed.
Entry Gate
-- Sunday
Provide directions and answer questions. Sell Programs if needed.
-- Prior
Fill In Positions As Needed On Any Team
-- Wednesday
Fill In Positions As Needed On Any Team
-- Thursday
Fill In Positions As Needed On Any Team
Hazard Backup Timer
-- Saturday
Operate backup stopwatch. Spot Entry. Start watch as 1st nose passes thru the gate. Stop watch as 1st nose passes thru outgate (or when Official Timer drops hand for 2-gate hazards). Call time to Official Timer (1/100 secs)
Hazard Hold Timer
-- Saturday
"Call ""horse coming"". Assertively stop entry 50m before Hazard if it is not clear. Holds should be FULLOR 1/2 MINUTES, ONLY. Tell competitor when will restart & give 10 second countdown from the point of hold up. Record Holdup Time on Backup Sheet. Call Holdup Time to Hazard Observer"
Hazard Observer
-- Saturday
Lead hazard team, draw/check route on score form, note errors/corrections/holdups/gait faults on score form, put on sticker if any anomolies, decide time, record time. Stay at end for appeals.
Hazard Observer Asst.
-- Saturday
Observe the route the competitor takes and assist Hazard Observer in completing score card. Also act as backup to official timer
Hazard Official Timer
-- Saturday
Operate electronic timer and stopwatch backup timer. Spot Entry. Start watch as 1st nose passes thru the gate. Call Entry # to Hazard Observer. Stop watch as 1st nose passes thru outgate (or when Timer 2 drops hand for 2-gate hazards). Call time to Hazard Observer (1/100 secs)
Hazard Radio
-- Saturday
"Observe assigned gates before/after hazard and report failure to pass thru in correct order to Hazard Judge. Call: "" Hazard ___ : Entry # ___ entering."" Call:"" Hazard __ : Entry #___ completed in___Min ___.___Sec. "" Call: ""Hazard ___: Holdup on Entry # _____."" Call in incidents & request for officials, EMTs or Vets."
Hazard Repair
-- Saturday
Observe assigned gates before/after hazard and report failure to pass thru in correct order to Hazard Observer. Rake footing as directed by judge. Fill in for other positions as directed by Judge
Logo Goods Sales
-- Sunday
Sell Logo Goods
Logo Goods Sales
-- Saturday
Sell Logo Goods
Marathon Best Turnout Judge
-- Saturday
Choose the best marathon turnout.
Marathon Course Pickup
-- Saturday
Follow last entry by 5 minutes and pick up signs, etc. that mark the course. DO NOT TAKE SIGN/GATES OFF HAZARDS. Gates need to be left up in case of inquires or protests.
Marathon Floater
-- Saturday
Fill In Positions As Assigned
Marathon Hospitality Runner
-- Saturday
Transport volunteers to stations and back. Make regular rounds to Entry Gate, Hazard Teams, Road Crossing Guards and Spotters with drinks, ice, snacks, lunches & relief people.
Marathon Road Crossing
-- Saturday
Stop traffic to allow safe passage of entries. Assure entries it is clear to cross. Two people assigned to each station so that each can take a break.
Marathon Score Runner
-- Saturday
Collect score sheets from assigned Hazards and Green Cards from End of E and deliver to scorer. Quick roundtrips help everyone. Transport volunteers to stations and back.
Marathon Spotter
-- Saturday
Check that each entry is WALKING. Record 1 incident for EACH break from walk of 5 seconds or more on form provided. In multiples if any horse breaks (ie one of pair or four) timing begins, and continues until all horses are walking. Record if anyone dismounts from carriage. Give to Score Runner.
Marathon Steward
-- Saturday
Plan and oversee volunteer preparations for the Marathon. Manage activities the day of the event. Troubleshoot issues.
On Site Medical
-- Thursday
On Site Medical
-- Friday
On Site Medical
-- Saturday
On Site Medical
-- Sunday
Party Tent Team
-- Friday
Set up the tables, chairs, tablecloths, etc for the Party Tent, Welcome Visitors, Check Credentials, Handle Questions & Issues, Manage Bar and Lunches
Party Tent Team
-- Saturday
Set up the tables, chairs, tablecloths, etc for the Party Tent, Welcome Visitors, Check Credentials, Handle Questions & Issues, Manage Bar and Lunches
Party Tent Team
-- Sunday
Set up the tables, chairs, tablecloths, etc for the Party Tent, Welcome Visitors, Check Credentials, Handle Questions & Issues, Manage Bar and Lunches
Portable Tent Setup
-- Thursday
Put up small, portable tents and umbrellas to provide shade to volunteers and officials
Portable Tent Setup
-- Friday
Put up small, portable tents and umbrellas to provide shade to volunteers and officials
Portable Tent Setup
-- Saturday
Put up small, portable tents and umbrellas to provide shade to volunteers and officials
Radio Manager
-- All Days
Manage Radios
Ribbons & Awards Team
-- Sunday
Give out ribbons & awards
Road Crossing Mgr
-- Saturday
Recruit, Manage and Care For the Road Crossing Team. Review their equipment and instructions. Assure they have received lunch, drinks and snacks. Fill in as necessary.
Schooling Shows
-- Prior
Help with the Combined Test Schooling Shows before the Glen Willow event
Sec. A End Timer
-- Saturday
Record finish time (as 1st nose crosses) on form & green card, initial, instruct whip to move toward D Start.
Sec. A Starter
-- Saturday
Give Pinny, record start time on form & green card, record time allowed on green card and give green card, give 2 min, 30 sec, 10 sec & count down, radio entry start.
Sec. D (Walk) Starter
-- Saturday
Record start time on form & green card, write time allowed on green card, give green card, give 2 min, 30 sec, 10 sec & count down, radio entry start.
Sec. D(Walk) End Timer
-- Saturday
Record finish time (as 1st nose crosses) on form & green card, initial, instruct whip to move to Vet Check.
Sec. E End Timer/Pinnies
-- Saturday
Check competitors do not stop or deviate in last 500m. Record finish time (as 1st nose crosses) on form & green card; note vehicle damage (see rules), initial, instruct whip to move to Vet Check. KEEP GREEN CARD! COLLECT PINNY!
Sec. E Starter
-- Saturday
Record start time on form & green card,write time allowed on green card; initial green card, give green card to competitor, give 2 min, 30 sec, 10 sec & count down, radio entry start. GIVE OUT THE PINNIES! BE SURE COMPETITOR TAKES GREEN CARD.
SetUp - Decorations
-- Prior
Decorate Hazards and Tents
SetUp - Dressage
-- Prior
Set up dressage rings
SetUp - Grounds
-- Prior
Go where needed and set up, move or repair elements of the course, volunteer/judge shelters, boundries, trash cans, etc.
SetUp - Grounds
-- Saturday
Go where needed and set up, move or repair elements of the course, volunteer/judge shelters, boundries, trash cans, etc.
SetUp - Grounds
-- Sunday
Go where needed and set up, move or repair elements of the course, volunteer/judge shelters, boundries, trash cans, etc.
SetUp - Grounds
-- Thursday
Go where needed and set up, move or repair elements of the course, volunteer/judge shelters, boundries, trash cans, etc.
SetUp - Grounds
-- Friday
Go where needed and set up, move or repair elements of the course, volunteer/judge shelters, boundries, trash cans, etc.
SetUp - Grounds
-- Wednesday
Go where needed and set up, move or repair elements of the course, volunteer/judge shelters, boundries, trash cans, etc.
Show Secretary Team
-- All Days
Help the Show Secretary
Stable Manager
-- All Days
Set up the stabling area, train stabling day managers, arrange stabling night coverage, oversee the stables, troubleshoot. Handle stall deposit refunds if stripping is required
Stabling Team
-- Prior
Direct new arrivals, answer questions, handle emergencies
Stabling Team
-- Saturday
Direct new arrivals, answer questions, handle emergencies
Stabling Team
-- Friday
Direct new arrivals, answer questions, handle emergencies
Stabling Team
-- Wednesday
Direct new arrivals, answer questions, handle emergencies
Stabling Team
-- Thursday
Direct new arrivals, answer questions, handle emergencies
Stabling Team
-- Sunday
Direct new arrivals, answer questions, handle emergencies
Vet Box - End of D: Scribe
-- Saturday
Record temperature, heart rate, respiration, time for check back and vet comments on forms provided.
Vet Box - End of E: Scribe
-- Saturday
Record temperature, heart rate, respiration, time for check back and vet comments on forms provided.
Vet Box Coordinator
-- Saturday
Manage flow of entries in and out of Vet Box
Vet Check Coordinator
-- Thursday
Get entries lined up and manage flow of entries for the pre-event vet check as directed by the Ground Jury.
Vet Check Scribe
-- Thursday
Tour with vets for in-stall check in AM and Jog in PM. Record comments of the Vet and Ground Jury, and final decision, on the forms provided for each entry. Return forms to the Show Secretary.
Vet Technician
-- Saturday
Assist. Vets In Vet Boxes
-- Saturday
Assess soundness to continue competition and at the end of competition
-- Sunday
Assess soundness to continue competition and at the end of competition
-- Thur
Assess soundness to continue competition and at the end of competition
Vol Hospitality Mgr
-- Saturday
Plan, order and pickup volunteer meals and snacks. Set up morning food & drinks in tent.
Vol Hospitality Mgr
-- Sunday
Plan, order and pickup volunteer meals and snacks. Set up morning food & drinks in tent.
Vol Hospitality Mgr
-- Friday
Plan, order and pickup volunteer meals and snacks. Set up morning food & drinks in tent.
Vol Hospitality Mgr
-- Thursday
Plan, order and pickup volunteer meals and snacks. Set up morning food & drinks in tent.
Vol Hospitality Team
-- Friday
Help set up and deliver/serve food
Vol Hospitality Team
-- Saturday
Help set up and deliver/serve food
Vol Hospitality Team
-- Sunday
Help set up and deliver/serve food
Vol Take Down
-- After
Tear down and store tents and volunteer supplies
Volunteer Chair
-- All Days
Recruit, Train, Equip and Manage Volunteers
Volunteer Equip Mgr
-- Thursday
Set up ""buckets"" for additional items and equipment for each volunteer job (including clip boards, measuring sticks, watches/clocks, flags, radios, etc).as shown on Equipment List. Assure each volunteer is equipped and equipment is collected from returning volunteers. Thurs: Set up Fri/Sat. Sat: Set up Sun."
Volunteer Equip Mgr
-- Sunday
Set up ""buckets"" for additional items and equipment for each volunteer job (including clip boards, measuring sticks, watches/clocks, flags, radios, etc).as shown on Equipment List. Assure each volunteer is equipped and equipment is collected from returning volunteers. Thurs: Set up Fri/Sat. Sat: Set up Sun."
Volunteer Equip Mgr
-- Friday
Set up ""buckets"" for additional items and equipment for each volunteer job (including clip boards, measuring sticks, watches/clocks, flags, radios, etc).as shown on Equipment List. Assure each volunteer is equipped and equipment is collected from returning volunteers. Thurs: Set up Fri/Sat. Sat: Set up Sun."
Volunteer Equip Mgr
-- Saturday
Set up ""buckets"" for additional items and equipment for each volunteer job (including clip boards, measuring sticks, watches/clocks, flags, radios, etc).as shown on Equipment List. Assure each volunteer is equipped and equipment is collected from returning volunteers. Thurs: Set up Fri/Sat. Sat: Set up Sun."
Volunteer Equip Team
-- Friday
Set up equipment for next day
Volunteer Equip Team
-- Thursday
Set up equipment for next day
Volunteer Equip Team
-- Saturday
Set up equipment for next day
Volunteer Safety Officer
-- Saturday
Review course and grounds for safety hazards and would with Committee to resolve or manage. Assist in any safety related incidents.
Volunteer Safety Officer
-- Sunday
Review course and grounds for safety hazards and would with Committee to resolve or manage. Assist in any safety related incidents.
Volunteer Setup Team
-- Friday
Set up badges, lists, volunteer goodie bags, etc. to be ready for Volunteer Checkin next day
Volunteer Setup Team
-- Saturday
Set up badges, lists, volunteer goodie bags, etc. to be ready for Volunteer Checkin next day
Volunteer Setup Team
-- Wednesday
Set up badges, lists, volunteer goodie bags, etc. to be ready for Volunteer Checkin next day
Volunteer Setup Team
-- Thursday
Set up badges, lists, volunteer goodie bags, etc. to be ready for Volunteer Checkin next day
Volunteer Tent Mgr
-- Wednesday
Manage respective assigned areas of the Volunteer Team
Volunteer Tent Mgr
-- Thursday
Manage respective assigned areas of the Volunteer Team
Volunteer Tent Mgr
-- Friday
Manage respective assigned areas of the Volunteer Team
Volunteer Tent Mgr
-- Saturday
Manage respective assigned areas of the Volunteer Team
Volunteer Tent Mgr
-- Sunday
Manage respective assigned areas of the Volunteer Team
Wheel Measurer
-- Friday
Place cones against widest part of wheels before entry goes to Presentation. Measure width between cones. Add clearance & record on forms provided.