First Name 1:
Last Name 1 (Required):
Additional Names (For Family/Group Memberships Only)
First Name 2:
Last Name 2:
Minor Names (put commas between names):
Member Contact/Directory
Enter your contact information. If you there is NO CHANGE in your Directory Listing(s) from last year, you can skip this section.Leave blank any items you do not want in
the Directory:
Address Line 1:
Address Line 2:
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Cell Phone:
Second Listing (Use for a second address or to have a second listing under the
name of the second member - esp if last name is different.)
Address Line 1:
Address Line 2:
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Cell Phone:
Privacy Policy: If you provide an
email address above and leave "opt out box" blank, BVDC will
use that email address to send you important Club notices from time to time -
especially updates and changes to upcoming events between Newsletters. BVDC will
only use your email address for Club notices - we will not give or sell any of
your personal information to any third party. Our servers are secure, use strong
encryption and access to our data bases is strictly limited. You may opt out of
BVDC notices at any time by clicking the "opt out" link in each notice.
Warning: No law prevents fellow Club Members from compromising
your privacy by using your information in unsecured mass mailings they send
themselves or by listing your information on "free" marketing and social media
sites which routinely sell that information to all comers (including overseas)
and do not let you "opt out." Be especially careful about providing contact
information minors (other than their names) in the information above.
Member Interests: Club events that you would like BVDC to host:
I am a member of:
As a volunteer, you not only contribute your time and talents to make our events
successful, but you also get to know other members, learn about driving and have fun! We have a job for every age, level of experience
and physical ability.
Member Instructions for the year:
Extra Directories:
I would like
(enter number) extra Directory(s) at $5 each. I will pay for them when I pay my dues.
Extra Member Advertising Package:
Click here to see details about the Member Advertising Package.
Life Member Paper Newsletter:
Please only click Submit ONCE or
you will send me multiple copies!