Carriage Driving Volunteers Website
At this site we sometimes post and collect information required to signup, assign and train volunteers for some major carriage driving events.
We also post items of interest to the Carriage Driving Community. Privacy Statement
Teddy Bears Picnic is not scheduled this year.
Other Links (Some of these have info that is quite old but may still be useful):
Volunteer Resources - For Use By Volunteers Everywhere
All Copyright Protected by Bobbi Hager but available free for use by volunteer managers everywhere. These may not be used as part of any commercial product.
American Driving Society Resources
The ADS is beginning to put up an online guideline for all of us. It's not all complete but many pieces are very useful. Go to and follow the "organizers" links.
Old Glenn Willow Show - Use as a model for a 3 Section/ 3-Day CDE
Jobs Volunteer Instructions Organizer Resource Pages
Teddy Bear Picnic Resources - Use as a model for a 1 day HDT or a Dressare with a Country Drive instead of Marathon(we call that Teddy Bear Trot).
Jobs Volunteer Instructions Organizer Resource Pages
BVDC Volunteer Clinic - Use as a model for Volunteer Clinics Updated for 6/30/2009 Rules Fairly old material - this clinic has not run for several years - but the ideas are still sound.
BVDC Super Volunteer Clinic Home
Brandywine Valley Driving Club Website BVDC Online Membership Page!